Jason Kisare (Tom)
Town handyman; often the voice of wisdom
John Papetti III (Bob)
Grocer; cantankerous and afraid of change----- John is 18 and in the 12th grade. To act and sing on the Wardlaw+Hartridge Performing Arts Center stage is one of the highlights of the school year. John is happy to be part of this new virtual experience of performing from a distance. He sends a shout out to Becky, Liz and Tracy for making this production possible!
Sydney Racine (Sally)
Woman in love
Brian Machado (Jim)
Man in love---------------------------------------------------Brian is 17 and in the 12th grade. This is Brian's fall play debut, and second show after performing in "Mamma Mia " last spring. He is super excited for this challenge, as this play will be very unique and an interesting experience for himself and everyone else.
Tarun Ravilla (Clarence)
Older member of the community who has seen/heard it all
Neil Shah (Melvin)
Older member of the community who has seen/heard it all
Raiya Patel (Casey)
Teen who is fearful of crossing the street
David Flatau-Jones (Kid/Teen Drag Racer 1)
Kid; age 8, has an affinity for drag racing --on bicycles/ Teen; age 16, drag racing kid grown up
Xin Huang (Kid/Teen Drag Racer 2)
Kid; age 8, has an affinity for drag racing --on bicycles/ Teen; age 16, drag racing kid grown up
Giselle Lee (Kid/Teen Drag Racer 3)
Kid; age 8, has an affinity for drag racing --on bicycles/ Teen; age 16, drag racing kid grown up
Nariyah Stovall-Powell (Kid/Teen Drag Racer 4)
Kid; age 8, has an affinity for drag racing --on bicycles/ Teen; age 16, drag racing kid grown up
Sarah Alves (Girl/Emma)
Girl; flag girl/ Emma; Jim and Sally's child on her way to college
Ella Byrne (Young Emma)
Emma as a child---------------------------------------------Ella is in 1st grade at W+H School and is thrilled to have a role in her very first play with the "big kids" in One Stoplight Town.
Naischa Puri (Runaway)
Teen feeling misunderstood---------------------- Naischa Puri is a sophomore at the Wardlaw + Hartridge School. She loves performing, whether it is singing, dancing or acting!
Simone Erachshaw (Prodigal Daughter)
Adult returning home after being in the big city for many years
Timothy Oligino (Police Officer)
Keeper of the peace
Leila Hernandez-Webster (Polly)
Beloved diner owner
Krishna Patel (Flash)
New flashy restaurant owner
Isabella Sena-Cash (Green Bean Queen)
Local beauty queen
Rose Kassam (Drum Major)
Drum major in the school band----------Rose is 16 and in 11th grade. She loves to do other people's makeup and to write.
Shachee Kumar (Protestor)
Townsperson protestor
Heidi Pan (Protestor)
Townsperson protestor